Wanted: Sea Turtle Photos for STC’s 2017 Calendar
Sea Turtle Conservancy (STC) is looking for talented photographers for our ninth annual Sea Turtle Calendar Contest! The sea turtle calendar reminds people throughout the year that sea turtles need our help to survive, and it includes important sea turtle dates like World Sea Turtle Day, Earth Day and World Oceans Day. Contributing to the calendar is a great way to help spread the word about sea turtle conservation!
2015 Cover Photo by Courtney Huisman
We had an amazing calendar filled with beautiful images last year, and we are looking forward to the great submissions for next year’s calendar. We are only acceptingphotograph submissions for the 2017 calendar, NO artwork. Photo submissions along with the Photography Permission Form should be sent to lexie@conserveturtles.org no later than September 19, 2016 and must follow the criteria below:
• Include a brief description of the image as well as the location and date it was taken and the photographer’s name
• Image must be submitted by the actual photographer or include written permission for submission from the photographer
• Image must show turtles in a natural setting and follow turtle-friendly guidelines (i.e. no flash images of nesting sea turtles, no images of people handling sea turtles, etc.)
• A high resolution version of the image must be available
• Photographers may only enter a maximum of three photographs
To view last year’s calendar, click here.
2014 Cover Photo by Ben Hicks.
The winners will be announced in STC’s monthly e-newsletter (Sea Turtle Talk), website and Facebook. Each winner will receive two free calendars and an STC logo t-shirt!
By submitting your image tolexie@conserveturtles.org before September 19, 2016, you are granting STC rights to use your photography for the 2017 Sea Turtle Scenes Calendar and other STC education initiatives. STC will not distribute your image without your written permission.
If you’re interested in submitting a photo, please include the Photography Permission Form in your submission.