Giving Tuesday - Help Support These World Class Marine Organizations
Please help us support these world class Marine Organizations who are helping to heal and protect our Oceans. Please take action to make the Oceans healthier for our children and theirs too by supporting these organizations.
Whale and Dolphin Conservation
Channel Island Park Foundation
Here's a few easy things you can do to help heal and protect our Oceans.
1. Avoid pesticides, fertilizers and toxic cleaning products. The rivers of our world are funneling chemicals into the ocean all the time. So use natural fertilizers like manure, avoid foods that have been grown with pesticides, and choose non-toxic cleaning products.
2. Cut down on the amount of stuff you buy. Ditch the disposable stuff and pick up litter wherever you see it.
3. Demand sustainable seafood at the market and in restaurants. Or just don’t eat seafood.
4. Reduce your carbon footprint. Conserve energy, power down, and demand alternative sources of energy that are renewable and carbon-free. Read more about ocean acidification here: http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/co2/story/Ocean+Acidification
5. Respect your beach! Tidepools are fragile, and coral reefs are even more so. So just don’t mess with the ocean plants and animals. They’re having a tough enough time as it is these days.
Thanks to Who's Green for their great list. http://whosgreenaz.com/2014/08/22/heres-5-easy-ways-help-ocean/