About the Surfrider Santa Barbara ChapterThe Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s oceans, waves, and beaches for all people, through conservation, activism, research, and education.Please check out our Chapter Issues and attend our next meeting for our current happenings. If you enjoy the ocean, help us protect it by GETTING INVOLVED!A Short History of Local ActivismSurfrider foundation was founded in 1984 and our Santa Barbara Chapter was started in 1990 by Bob Keats, Keith Zandona, and others.We successfully opposed the Isla Vista Seawall.We successfully opposed the development of a 269 foot long rock revetment at Campus point, although the pump house expansion was approved.We successfully appealed the Goleta Beach rock revetment emergency placement in 1999 and it was ordered removed; however, two years later the county again claimed an emergency and re-installed the rocks which are currently permitted under an emergency permit pending the DEIR.We continue to oppose this hardscaping approach to protecting the park in favor of a more natural approach that will both save the park and protect the beach.